Jumping into a website localization project head-first could be a costly mistake.

It's important to craft a strategy that can articulate your goals, create a framework for decision-making, and map out a plan to succeed in website translation. A thoughtful approach can ensure that you don't miss important-and costly-issues that you might have otherwise overlooked. This e-book will help you move logically and thoughtfully through all the steps involved in building a multilingual website that can serve your business for a long time to come. You'll gain insights into:
  • Determining the need for localized websites
  • Deciding which languages to include in your project
  • Choosing a method for translation (human, machine, or both)
  • Selecting which sections of your website to translate
  • Evaluating your resources
Download denne e-bog, der indeholder:
  • Tips for planning your website translation project
  • Ways to manage the planning conversation with your team
  • Suggestions for making the project move smoothly and efficiently
Remember: Being thoughtful about your website translation project can eliminate obstacles and wasted resources in the long run. Hent e-bogen

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