
Video: Master Lock - Sikring af international vækst online

Master Locks lille webteam havde brug for en løsning til lokalisering af websteder til at betjene vigtige globale markeder på ni sprog.

Nathan Lucas's avatar
Nathan Lucas

September 26, 2018


The Master Lock Company has been protecting people and property for nearly 100 years. Since 2008, the brand has been partnered with MotionPoint to serve global customers in nine languages. The speed and simplicity of MotionPoint's solution allows the manufacturing company to support and expand its international expansion.

Lær mere om i denne video om, hvordan Master Lock udnytter MotionPoints teknologi til at sikre deres globale succes.

Senest opdateret d. 26. september 2018
Nathan Lucas's avatar

About Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas is a web developer who enjoys bringing to life the ideas and concepts of the marketing and sales team. If they can dream it, he can build it. When he's not working, he enjoys being a husband and father, adventures in the great outdoors, fitness, and art!

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Nathan Lucas

Digital Marketing Developer