Teknologi til oversættelse

Video: 3 skridt til at starte et oversættelsesprojekt af websted på den rigtige måde

Få dit projekt med oversættelse af websted på rette vej med disse tids- og pengebesparende tips.

Nathan Lucas's avatar
Nathan Lucas

September 17, 2018


Translating your website into new languages requires huge investments of time, money and effort. Mistakes throughout the process can lead to additional costs, delays and ongoing technical and operational complexities.

Denne video kan hjælpe dig med at uddanne dig i, hvordan du kan kontrollere oversættelsesomkostninger - og reducere indsatsen - før du starter dit oversættelsesprojekt.

Senest opdateret d. 17. september 2018
Nathan Lucas's avatar

About Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas is a web developer who enjoys bringing to life the ideas and concepts of the marketing and sales team. If they can dream it, he can build it. When he's not working, he enjoys being a husband and father, adventures in the great outdoors, fitness, and art!

Nathan Lucas's avatar
Nathan Lucas

Digital Marketing Developer