Teknologi til oversættelse

Video: 3 udfordringer med oversættelse af flersproget CMS-websted

Lær, hvilke forhindringer du kan støde på, hvis du bruger et flersproget CMS til dit oversættelsesprojekt af websted.

Nathan Lucas's avatar
Nathan Lucas

September 10, 2018


Most modern CMSs come equipped with multilingual capabilities, which many companies use to translate their websites. However, these features can be undercooked and complicated, burdening IT teams with extra work and risking the look, feel and function of translated websites.

Lær, hvilke udfordringer, du kan forvente med flersprogede CMS'er og oversættelse af websteder i denne korte video.

Senest opdateret d. 10. september 2018
Nathan Lucas's avatar

About Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas is a web developer who enjoys bringing to life the ideas and concepts of the marketing and sales team. If they can dream it, he can build it. When he's not working, he enjoys being a husband and father, adventures in the great outdoors, fitness, and art!

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Nathan Lucas

Digital Marketing Developer