
E-handel oplever tocifret vækst mens flere online-forhandlere udvider globalt

Detailhandlere siger, at op til 30 % af deres online omsætning stammer fra globale kunder. Lær, hvordan man gør lokaliserede indenlandske og internationale detailhandelwebsteder til en succes for din organisation.

Dominic Dithurbides avatar
Dominic Dithurbide

September 18, 2015


If your company was looking for a good reason to expand into new international markets online, we just found 21 of them. Actually, between 21 and 30.

According to a ChannelAdvisor survey of more than 200 online retailers based in the U.S. and UK, nearly a third of respondents reported that 21% to 30% of their online sales hail from international markets. (ChannelAdvisor helps companies manage merchandise sales across online channels.)

With up to 30% of online revenue hailing from global customers, the opportunity is compelling. It's also growing.

Retailers following this trend—first movers, especially—know that international engagement and revenue has steadily increased over the past decade. And thanks to solutions like MotionPoint’s, expanding into new international markets is easier than ever.

Here are some insights on how to make your localized domestic and international retail sites a success, thanks to a few more resources from ChannelAdvisor:
“Translation should be at the core of your expansion plans,” ChannelAdvisor suggests. Further, the company cautions: “Listing your products in English limits your reach to a wider audience of ready buyers.”

Speak the Language

Overseas e-commerce markets will continue to experience double-digit growth each year until at least 2018, Forrester has reported.

“Think of your website as the welcome mat for your company,” one ChannelAdvisor document says. Does your site’s shopping experience appear professional? Can customers easily find the products they’re looking for? Is it easy to complete a purchase? Go the extra mile to create a trustworthy and effortless shopping experience.

A Welcoming Feel

For international customers, that welcoming feel and "extra mile" should include resonant localizations. By providing tailored in-language salutations, customer service options, promotions and calls to action, you'll deliver an experience that builds trust with international visitors.

Presenting localized content showcases that you value their interest and business—and by speaking their language, your site eliminates barriers between your new customers and your products
Almost half of ChannelAdvisor's surveyed retailers (40%) reported that up to 30% of their current web traffic comes from mobile devices. Further, nearly 90% of these successful retailers believe that mobile traffic will increase over the next two years.

Try Mobile Advertising

These companies are taking the opportunity seriously: 75% of them expect to increase their mobile advertising budget in the next two years.

MotionPoint’s platform can easily leverage existing translations from a localized desktop website, and inexpensively use them for a localized mobile website experience. It’s an effortless way to use “in-language” translated mobile ads to promote your international mobile sites to your new markets.

Senest opdateret d. 18. september 2015
Dominic Dithurbides avatar

Om Dominic Dithurbide

Dominic Dithurbide er en kreativ og målrettet marketingleder, der har dedikeret sin karriere til oversættelsesbranchen. Dominic tilfører færdigheder inden for global marketing, efterspørgselsgenerering og go-to-market strategier til MotionPoint's marketingteam.

Dominic Dithurbides avatar
Dominic Dithurbide

Marketing Manager