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As your company expands to serve multilingual customers in untapped domestic or international markets, it shouldn’t overlook localizing a key component of its digital experience: secure portals for customers, business partners and employees.
These experiences help provide a fully localized UX that delivers long-term business benefits, from increased conversions and retention to improved relationships with international distributors and resellers.
But for your localized portals to successfully serve your business goals, they must deliver this translated content in ways that are absolutely seamless and instant to your global customers.
This is much harder than it sounds—especially for companies that want to take on this challenge using in-house resources or underqualified vendors.
Many companies consider using internal resources to translate their secure portal experiences, but soon determine that this approach requires far more effort and budget than expected. It also becomes more trouble than it's worth.
Since most in-house teams haven't managed complex portal translation projects, they often lean on manual or untested processes. This usually means they engage in an iterative process of:
This time-consuming process represents the workflow for localizing a single webpage within a portal. This process must then be used for every relevant page within the portal. And this workload—and need for additional in-house resources—naturally increases when the portal must be localized in more languages.
Exponentially complicating matters is the innovative (and complicated) interactive technologies most portals use for the UX. Reliably identifying translatable text within these complex applications and databases is practically impossible for in-house linguists. It's also beyond the capabilities of nearly all translation vendors, too.
Consider the questions your organization will face as it launches and continually operates multilingual portals:
In-house and vendor approaches that lean into inefficient manual processes and underdeveloped technologies lead to higher costs in the long run. Even when these costs aren't felt directly at first, they quickly grow when staff time and other intangibles are factored in.
When it comes to allocating budget for in-house portal translation, most stakeholders perceive the project as a single line item. This makes sense—after all, that’s how vendors submit their invoices. Det antages ganske enkelt, at der kan redegøres for et internt oversættelsesprojekt på samme måde.
Men "oversættelse" er en langt større opgave end blot selve oversættelsen. Der er mange individuelle elementer, der bidrager til disse omkostninger, herunder opgaver, som de fleste ledere ikke er bekendt med.
Ud over den faktiske arbejdsgang til oversættelse af indholdet, inkluderer "oversættelse" også medarbejdertid, brug af teknologi, adgang til specifikke ressourcer og meget mere.
Let’s examine just one of those elements mentioned above—technology usage:
Udvikling af løsninger til disse mangler kræver tid og opmærksomhed - og flere penge til yderligere teknologier.
Og selv med disse investeringer står det ofte ikke klart, om løsningen vil fungere i det lange løb. Updates or changes to your portal's technology stack down the road often create unforeseen challenges and costs.
Remember, the actual task of translating digital text, images and other online elements represents only a sliver of the true cost of portal translation. Omkostningerne skal også dække teknologierne, smart styring af oversættelsen og effektiv software, der er udviklet til at spare dig penge.
The best translation vendors specialize in the very complex process of portal translation. They provide these capabilities and more, eliminating the need for in-house teams (and the costs associated with building those teams).
Look for solutions that combine the best translations with leading technologies that eliminate effort, minimize costs and accelerate speed to market.
Husk, at den samlede pris skal omfatte mere end blot de oversatte ord. You should be paying for excellent portal translation management technology, turn-key convenience and more.