E-handel i Mexico har 'enorm vækst', skriver MotionPoint SVP i Latin Trade Magazine
En leder hos MotionPoint fremlægger overbevisende oplysninger om, hvordan amerikanske virksomheder vinder stort på at engagere sig på det mexicanske online marked.
1 min. læsning
September 16, 2015
E-handel i Mexico har 'enorm vækst', skriver MotionPoint SVP i Latin Trade Magazine
E-commerce has become a major growth sector in the Mexican economy – and it’s an opportunity well worth investigating for expanding companies online, writes Charles Whiteman in a recent post at Latin Trade magazine.
Whiteman, MotionPoint's SVP of Client Services, presented compelling information about how U.S. companies are seizing this opportunity. Amazon, Best Buy and Walmart have already made significant investments in the market, he writes.
Whiteman then presented exclusive analysis of the market, which featured traffic, engagement and revenue data for nearly 500 Spanish-language websites operated by MotionPoint. This data, along with tips to engage Mexican customers, provides a strong foundational understanding of this emerging online market.