Tilbage-til-skolen-shopping giver mulighed for at tiltrække latinamerikanske kunder i USA
Efterhånden som skoleåret nærmer sig, deler vores EVP adskillige eksempler på bedste praksis i detailhandlen, som hjælper virksomheder med at betjene spansktalende kunder.
1 min. læsning
September 03, 2018
Tilbage-til-skolen-shopping giver mulighed for at tiltrække latinamerikanske kunder i USA
Retailers looking to attract new U.S. Hispanic customers should take advantage of the back-to-school shopping season, writes MotionPoint EVP Craig Witt in a guest post for the Retail TouchPoints blog.
The U.S. Hispanic demographic is rapidly growing in both population and economic power. Currently the second-largest ethnic group in the US, one in four children is of Hispanic origin or descent, and Hispanic parents spend an estimated $148 more on back-to-school shopping than the general population. To effectively reach this population and win their business, there are some key best practices retailers should follow, Witt said.